AI-supported completeness check for packaging assembly
Incomplete assembly sets at the customer's premises are annoying and expensive. A system based on modern AI algorithms recognizes incomplete sets in real time. This ensures that no parts [...]
Optimizing Construction Logistics with Real-Time AI Solutions: Vehicle Detection, Load Estimation, and Drive Direction
Logistics always strives to deliver operational excellence and customer satisfaction. In the context of construction sites, logistics refers to the efficient coordination and management of various resources, materials, equipment, and [...]
SME conference 2023: Focus on innovative strength
Over 130 companies presented their progress in projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Berlin. I presented our research project "KI4PRECAST" at the poster [...]
The 6th European Machine Vision Forum 2023: A Recap
The European Machine Vision Forum (EMVF) is a remarkable platform for machine vision enthusiasts in Europe, bridging the gap between researchers and industry experts. This year, over 100 participants [...]
Learning – How does a ToF Sensor Work?
Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors are a fascinating technology that has found applications in various fields when it comes to measuring tasks. In this blog post, we will explore the inner [...]
Navigating Performance Metrics: Example from Crack Detection Assessment
When I sell our visual quality inspection systems, I am often asked at a very early stage of the project how accurate the defect detection is. Typically, we need [...]